According an 30 April 2022 article in Tehran Times, “ Iran Unveils World’s Longest-Range Tactical Ballistic Missile” , the IRGC claims the ballistic missile has a range of 1,450 km or 900 miles. The Kheibar was given its first public display, unveiled during the Quds Day march in Tehran April 30, 2022. Twitter, Iran State News Feed Video
Kheibar-Shekan or ‘Khyber Shekhan’ The missile, whose name appears to be a warning to Israel, was unveiled in February 2019 but this is the first time it’s been put on public display.
- From Janes 10 FEBRUARY 2019 Iran Unveils Kheibar Shekan Ballistic Missile
Kheibar – Shekan or “Kheibar buster,” is a reference to an ancient Jewish oasis that fell to Muslim armies under Muhammad.
This long-range missile is domestically manufactured by the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) … It has high accuracy and is propelled by solid fuel and is capable of penetrating missile shields,”. In 2019 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Commander of Aerospace Forces, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, reportedly stated that “the capability of the TNT materials used in the warheads of these missiles has increased many times.” Reports allege the new weapon is highly accurate and capable of overcoming missile shield systems. The missile’s capabilities, combat readiness, and performance characteristics have not been independently verified.
Tehran possesses a wide array of ballistic and cruise missiles, with some items in its catalog capable of reaching Israel and parts of Europe. A December 2021 study from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy concluded that Iran’s ballistic missile arsenal is steadily growing in “size, reach, and accuracy.” The country has pursued sweeping investments into advanced rocket technologies and effectively tapped into domestic resources to offset the effects of international sanctions on Iranian “missile-related technologies.”
Iran has the largest stockpile of missiles (Along with this, cruise missiles and drones).
Tehran has the largest stockpile of missiles in the Middle East. Last year, it had launched 16 ballistic missiles as part of military exercises. This was called a move by Iranian generals to warn Israel. Bagheri said Iran is self-sufficient in military equipment and could become the world’s largest arms exporter if US sanctions are lifted. The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) said that Iran has about 20 types of ballistic missiles, each with varying payloads and ranges. The IRGC have missiles that can travel up to 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles).
Expansion of missile capability is a priority
IISS is a think tank in London. It says that Iran’s current priority is to expand the capability of its missiles. The development of ballistic missiles is not on the agenda in the talks on Iran’s nuclear program, but many US allies in the Gulf believe it should be. Iran’s ballistic missiles can be adapted to carry nuclear weapons.